How Often To Clean Kitchen Cabinets to Keep It Shiny?


You spend hard-earned money on kitchen cabinet contractors Houston to get sparkling new luxury kitchen cabinets for your home. However, when you cook frequently, your cabinets, doors, and shelves become victims of oil & sauce splatters, and wall oven heat. Your cabinets can come in a wide range, including metal, glass, and wood. This article will guide everything about kitchen cleaning to make it look new.

How often should You Clean Kitchen Cabinets?

Probably every household has this doubt in their minds! Building ups on the inside and outside of kitchen cabinets are a common scenario. These build-ups are a combination of grease and dust accumulated from everyday cooking. With heat, your kitchen cabinets Houston get covered with a sticky coating. If it is kept untouched for a while, it might become thick and difficult to remove.

Ideally, one should wipe down the outer surface of cabinets every week or every alternate week. The more you cook greasy or Asian food, the more cleaning you need to keep the kitchen germ-free. The cabinets are mainly of two types: countertop and wall. Both equally accumulate grease and dirt from cooking.

Every few months, you must deep-clean the interiors of your cabinets. Emptying all the cabinets together may sound overwhelming. You may take the task of cleaning one cabinet at a time. It will keep your closed cabinet free from insects.

Ways to Keep Kitchen Cabinets Clean for Longer

Whether it is luxury or cheap kitchen cabinets Houston, you must identify the type of dust or stain you have. Does it look sticky or is it just loose debris? For any type of cabinets you use, you get only a couple of cleaning options. Either you go for some wonderful home cleaning methods or get help from commercial kitchen cleaners. Here we are going to share home cleaning procedures.

  • You can clean almost all cabinet types with liquid dish soap, white vinegar, and warm water. Simple & mild yet strong enough to remove the smudges, dust, and mild build-ups from your kitchen.
  • You must start cleaning from the top and gradually work your way down. For a hard surface, you can spray the solution directly onto the grease.
  • After scrubbing, wipe off the cleaner with another clean cloth. For cheap kitchen cabinets Houston, water left sitting can discolor or damage them permanently.
  • You can use a toothbrush to scrub the handles, pulls, and knobs of your cabinets.

Keep Kitchen Cabinets New after Cleaning

The regular chemical cleaner can take away the glow of your kitchen cabinets. After few months, the kitchen starts looking dull and old. That is why, after every clean-up, you should use oil. It is the homemade process of polishing cabinets.

· Clean the dust.

  • Put some of the oil into a soft cloth.
  • Gently rub it in a circular motion over a small area.
  • Lastly, wipe away the excess oil with a dry cloth.

If this sounds hard, cabinet contractors Houston recommend hiring a professional cleaner. They have expertise in cleaning and polishing cabinets of all types.


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